
Making IT security “Incredibly” fun

In June, we held a movie premiere event to officially launch our Managed Security Operations Center as a Service offering, along with our security partner, Arctic Wolf. We invited current clients and prospects to the event, along with their families.

The story

We understand that spending time with family is important, so we didn’t want to ask people to take an evening away from their family to spend with us. So instead, we asked them to bring their families along, and we themed the event for the entire family.

We picked a family-friendly movie, Incredibles 2, and tried to make it a fun event that also taught attendees about the landscape of the security threats prevalent today, and what we can do to help protect their businesses.

The cast

Arctic Wolf is our security partner, and with their help, we are able to offer our clients a true security monitoring and remediation service, spanning event and traffic monitoring to regular external vulnerability scanning to compliance reporting.

We are also teaming up with Webroot and Microsoft to help increase the protection and security awareness pieces to round out the full security suite offering for our clients. The basic thought is to put as much protection in place as makes sense, and then rely on the team of security experts that Vision and Arctic Wolf can provide, in order to make sure things are configured correctly and monitor for any suspicious activity, whether it’s on-site in your infrastructure or in the cloud.

The reviews

The pictures show what a great time we had at the movie event, held at the impressive Emagine Novi. They were really great to work with and even provided the delicious food.

Most of our staff attended with their families, as well, and we have received a lot of good feedback from those that came out for the evening.


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The next feature

I am really looking forward to the next movie premiere event that we do. We are targeting early in Q2 2019 for the next one … so stay tuned. I hope that we can fill the seats for this one, too.
~ Chuck