Our Vision for Managed IT Solutions

Our Vision For Managed IT Solutions Goes Above And Beyond Technology.

Our Mission



Our Values 

Self-discipline is fundamental to enjoying life & achieving more. With discipline comes keener self-interest, better self-control, & greater self-reliance. We are better motivated to reach the goals & targets we set for ourselves.
To maximize the client experience, we must differentiate ourselves, which means doing something a little unconventional & innovative. We must do something that’s above & beyond what is expected. Whatever we do must have an emotional impact on the receiver. We are not an average company – our service is not average & our people are not average. We need to have a genuine love for our clients, endeavoring to make their day better with every interaction we have with them, showing empathy when they are dealing with technology issues and working hard to be there to support them. We need to love our vendors, working with them to have a good relationship, paying them on time and treating them with respect. And we need to love our co-workers, looking for ways to help each other, caring about each other and watching out for each other.
While we may be casual in dress & conversation in the office, our actions must be anything but casual in terms of our desire to win. At VCS we are dedicated to training individuals into masters of their roles’ and providing what they need to be successful. However, one thing we cannot train is motivation. Motivation & drive comes from within. Those who desire to succeed do not wait to be assigned tasks, they seek opportunity and seize it. They do not wait to be called into a meeting, they approach others and ask if they are ready to begin. The reason our office environment is productive, yet fun, is because collectively our team is driven for success. Without that drive, we are susceptible to becoming “just another company.”
While we may be casual in our interactions, we are focused & serious about the operations of our business. We believe in working hard and putting in the extra effort to get things done. We believe in our operational excellence & realize that there is always room for improvement in everything we do. This means that our work is never done. In order to stay ahead of the competition, we need to continuously make incremental improvements to our operations – always striving to make ourselves more efficient. We must never lose our sense of urgency in making improvements. We must never settle for “good enough” because good is the enemy of great. We set and exceed our own high standards and are constantly raising the bar for ourselves. There are a few basic principles to become most effective in order to do more with less. Determine & follow our documented workflows, keep things as simple as can be, remember & embrace the concept of “eating the elephant one bite at a time,” & always strive to be the best individual on the best team.
It’s important to constantly challenge & stretch yourself to not be stuck in a job where you don’t feel like you are growing or learning. We believe inside every employee is more potential than even the employee themselves realizes. Our goal is to help employees unlock that potential. You have to want to challenge & stretch yourself in order for that to happen. No matter how much better we get, we’ll always have hard work to do. We’ll never be done & we’ll never totally “get it right.” That may seem negative, but it’s not. We’ll improve from our mistakes. that is the cycle of growth & like it or not, that cycle won’t stop. It’s hard… but if we weren’t doing something hard, then we would have no business. The only reason we aren’t swallowed by our competition is because what we do is hard, and we do it better than anyone else. If it ever gets too easy, then start looking for a tidal wave of competition to wash us away.

Our Workspace

Our team serves Metro-Detroit in Downtown Northville with managed IT solutions. Our workspace actively embodies who we are as a company and who we want to be going into the future as we continue to grow and expand. We want our team to love coming to work. We understand that the time you spend away from your family is precious, so we work hard to provide an environment where you can be your best, both professionally and personally, while you are at the office. We believe that our environment allows us to do that.

Our Community Partners

We believe that being involved in the community and supporting other organizations that we believe in brings positive, measurable change to both our community and our business. We do this with consistent, meaningful participation and financial support in organizations that support and improve upon social wellbeing. We find it important to give back to the community that provides us with the opportunity to do what we love to do.

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Our accolades and partnerships

It is our goal to provide an industry leading workplace for our team members and industry leading services for our clients. The VCS team has not only been rewarded with high honors in the MSP space but also by our vendor-partners and several workplace publications.

Exceptional Client Experience.
Every client. Every interaction. Every time.