Using new technology

Adopting New Technology? Keep These 6 Tips in Mind

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The development of more advanced technologies over the years has paved the way for businesses to take advantage of the operational efficiency this evolution provides. By incorporating IoT solutions and upgraded software in their systems, companies can benefit from more automation, better communication, and sustainable improvements in their day-to-day processes.

However, merely adopting newer technologies into your existing infrastructure does not guarantee positive results. To continuously benefit from your technological advancement efforts, steps must be taken to keep your digital investments healthy and sustainable over time.

Here are six ways you can continue to develop and improve your new business technology.

Regularly audit your systems and processes

Once you’ve decided to upgrade your systems or implement new automation tools, it’s essential to regularly audit, your processes to ensure you’re getting the most use out of your new technology.

[av_one_third first av_uid=’av-eu5rdk’]Technology audit concept[/av_one_third]

[av_two_third av_uid=’av-csw5o8′]Many times, businesses become so excited about the potential improvements technology can bring to their organizations that they fail to optimize its effectiveness correctly. By continuously monitoring the performance of your systems and addressing inconsistencies before and after new software implementation, you’ll be able to ensure you get the most out of your new investments.[/av_two_third]

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Create a staff training schedule

Even the most advanced technologies can be proven essentially worthless if you’re not adequately trained on how to use them. When hiring new staff members or adopting new systems and processes, it’s essential that you create employee training schedules to support the understanding of how your business operates.

In most cases, failed software adoption projects are not a result of lousy technology as much as they are due to a lack of sufficient knowledge. Regular and thorough training is vital for the current and future success of your business, and it should be an essential part of your growth strategy.

But what should employees be trained on? Here’s what Security Metrics recommends:

  • Technology use
  • Password management
  • Data handling procedures
  • Incident response plans
  • Data security best practices
  • Social engineering techniques

Protect your new business investments

With the advancements in IoT, more and more companies are investing in mobile technology solutions to support their growing infrastructures. While the efficiency and increase in productivity that these solutions provide may seem invaluable at the time, the truth is, moving towards a mobile-friendly work environment can be a costly venture if not correctly executed.

[av_two_third first av_uid=’av-9b7c5k’]Smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other devices should be adequately monitored and cared for at all times when they are put in front of your workforce. You can enforce these standards by ensuring all devices have suitable carrying cases, screen protectors, layered security solutions, and other forms of data protection to maximize their lifespan and the information they contain.[/av_two_third]

[av_one_third av_uid=’av-6tz3q0′]Business woman holding mobile device[/av_one_third]

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Look to cloud-based solutions

Managing your technology on-premise can have its benefits; however, most companies struggle to maintain the necessary equipment, hardware, and internal bandwidth to operate their systems over time.

Focusing on establishing a cloud-based architecture in your company can be a great way to manage costs and the time spent on updating system software and tools. Operating your company in the cloud allows you and your employees to access core parts of your business from anywhere in the world and through multiple devices.

81 percent of enterprises have a multi-cloud strategy.
– Rightscale

Another great benefit to cloud migration is that managing system software and services are no longer a manual effort that requires internal staff and resources. System patches, firmware upgrades, and improvements in overall efficiency happen seamlessly through a third-party solution, ensuring that you get the most out of your technology.

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Improve your system security

In today’s digital landscape, it’s more important than ever to ensure your systems remain secure from outside sources. Over the last couple of years, cyber crimes have grown exponentially, endangering countless numbers of enterprises through data loss and system shutdowns, while entirely crippling many other businesses.

To ensure your systems and technology stay protected, it is essential that you invest in high-quality cybersecurity software and services. There are many on-premise and cloud-based solutions for managing the security of your business including anti-virus programs, active firewalls, and intrusion detection systems.

Protecting your digital assets from outside forces and reinforcing the integrity of your infrastructure will be an invaluable benefit for your company now and for many years to come.

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Related: 3 steps to take if your credit card data is breached online

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Partner with an MSP

Developing an in-house solution for your IT needs may seem like the best course of action, but sustaining IT systems over time can become challenging for businesses of any size. Because of this, many organizations choose to partner with an MSP (Managed Service Provider) to help manage their growing IT needs.

[av_one_third first av_uid=’av-4yj4bc’]Team member at Vision[/av_one_third]

[av_two_third av_uid=’av-2dsfew’]MSPs help to ready your infrastructure for newer technology by employing a team of outsourced IT professionals whose primary mission is to optimize your systems and ensure your business runs as efficiently as possible. Managed service providers are experienced in dealing with companies of all shapes and sizes, and they have the skills and resources necessary to implement sustainable enterprise solutions that lower overall costs and improve productivity.


Healthy technology is right around the corner

New technology has proven to be an invaluable asset for companies looking to scale their business and improve their day-to-day operations. While implementing this technology may seem reasonably self-servable, it’s important to keep it healthy so it continues to deliver positive results for years to come.

If you’re looking for more insight, check out this 4-point checklist for hunting down the perfect IT solution for your business.