
The One Type of Angler You Want to Avoid This Summer

Summertime in Michigan is filled with sunshine, bon fires, and lake life. A vast amount of Michiganders enjoy fishing; a few may even dub themselves anglers. However, there is one type of angler everyone should try and avoid – and no, it’s not Uncle Joe after a few too many pops.

Angler, is a type of ransomware, and it’s as vicious as a Muskie looks. Angler constantly evolves to evade detection by security software products. Essentially, it’s an exploit kit that uses HTML and JavaScript to identify your browser and any installed plugins. This allows the hacker to select an attack that is most likely effective against you.

Studies dating back to 2015 have shown pages running Angler are created every day, along with other threats of similar nature. Hackers have taken profitability up a notch, and have created “ransomware-as-a-service,” allowing just about anyone to conduct a variety of attacks. Don’t assume your company needs to be targeted by a Mr. Robot-esque genius. Thanks to the creativity of hackers, minimal computer skills are needed.

Is there anyway to protect your small business from ransomware and hackers? Yes and no. There are certainly protocols you may put in place to defend yourself. Remember the WannaCry threat in early 2017? Not a single Vision Computer Solutions customer was impacted, thanks to our enterprise-grade solutions we secure our clients with. However, if a threat was to sneak through layers and layers of protection, having a top-notch business continuity plan in place is crucial.

If you’re ready to get back to the sunshine and forget about Angler impacting your company and profitability, give us a call at {phone}.